I have won | Teen Ink

I have won

May 16, 2014
By Joel_Lamont BRONZE, Pleasantville, New Jersey
Joel_Lamont BRONZE, Pleasantville, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just because somebody doesn&rsquo;t love you the way you want them to, doesn&rsquo;t mean they don&rsquo;t love you with all they have.<br /> ~ Author Unknown

With my joyful and happy life i quickly became surrounded by darkness and fear... I reached out for help but when justice was served help was no where near. I am, I am Treyvon Martin. Walking in fear of being shot because I'm a threat eating skittles and having tea in my hand. Once again I'm the violent one. I thought i would see 20 maybe even 21. I thought I would see my mother again. I thought I would get married or maybe even have children but I was classified as a threat. So i wear my hood up to represent my African American brother for the legacy shall go forth because I am Treyvon Martin the victor not victim.

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