The way I think about you | Teen Ink

The way I think about you

May 20, 2014
By katnap_13 BRONZE, Mercersburg, Pennsylvania
katnap_13 BRONZE, Mercersburg, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every morning I wake up,
and see the sun shining bright through the purple curtains.
I get out of my cozy bed,
and check my favorite phone.

Every day you make me feel,
so important to you.
You text me as much as you can,
all day and all night.

As I watch the big yellow sun turn the sky orange,
I think about you.
Your dark brown hair,
and your deep dark brown eyes.

The way we are when,
we are together.
The way we are when,
we are apart.

The way you make me feel,
like I’m your number one.
I’m the first thing on your mind,
when you wake up.

You make my day so much better,
with every text sent.
When I see you,
my world lights up.

As the sun starts setting,
and the moon comes out.
I fall asleep in my nice cozy bed,
thinking about you.

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