Our home | Teen Ink

Our home

May 12, 2014
By Anonymous

At our home you can taste the sea's salt with every breath.
You can feel the sunshine embrace your skin,
and let your hair fly in the wind.

At our home you can run along the white supple sand.
You can watch the seagulls and pelicans soar,
and hear the waves' dull roar.

At our home you taste a cold ice cream in the blazing sun.
You can spend the whole day with your friends at play,
and never ask to have a better day.

We stand here now after four years filled with fond memories and laughs.
Some of us trying to hold back our tears over how the time has come at last,
for us to say goodbye to our home at Seabreeze. It is time for us now with our knowledge at our backs,
to face a brave new world to us and to carve our names into life like waves carve into stone.
For this is our time, our time to find and build a new home.

The author's comments:
Written for the most influential poem for my school.

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