When I am 25 | Teen Ink

When I am 25

May 7, 2014
By ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I am 25,
I'll cackle with glee
And dance weirdly.

For all my past is gone,
Tossed and traded with "No bother."

Problems, Worries, Fear
Regrets, Sadness, Pain, Despair.
I'll make it all go away with a cup of Steaming Tea.

My anger can simmer away
Along with the people I once knew.

I've turned over a new leaf.
My life can start anew.

All of this from the promise I had made at age 15
"When I am 25..."
Now that I am older,

Wait, what?!
I'll be shocked that I've made it this far

Wasn't it only yesterday that I learned to tie my shoe/
(Yes, it was.)

Or when I learned of hate
and regret?
(I still cannot forget.)

That my life has suddenly changed,
I did not notice.

Between one time line and the other,
When one day I will be lowered.

The ground, my friend
And gravity, a force that pulls me down forever.

Then finally at this age of 120,
My how much I've done!

The author's comments:
I just sort of wrote this on whim in class for a random prompt.
"When I am 25"
Yet, when I passed it around to get comments, it did surprisingly well. I'm glad.

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