Cyclical Heartbreak | Teen Ink

Cyclical Heartbreak

May 16, 2014
By PoetBeyondTheWall SILVER, Oakhurst, New Jersey
PoetBeyondTheWall SILVER, Oakhurst, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Knock me off my pedestal
I’m only on it in my head
Use that brutish tone
Sneer of contempt
Spit your acid words
Melt my facade
I’m just cowering in this hollow shell
You don’t need to tear me down
I was never there to start
Crawling at the bottom
Building a pillar of dust
Rising up slow
Until your spiteful breath
Blows my foothold to the wind
Casts me down
Breaks me one more
Lay for a while
Let my bones heal
I will gather the dust again
My love
So you may slit my throat
With you razor tongue

The author's comments:
This piece is about the almost daily routine I go through with the girl I, for better or worse, fell in love with. It represents how no matter what she says or does to me, I'm to foolish to leave. Love is a dangerous emotion.

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