Where I'm from | Teen Ink

Where I'm from

May 15, 2014
By Myeyeshide BRONZE, Lisbon, North Dakota
Myeyeshide BRONZE, Lisbon, North Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
BE YOURSELF BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE IS TAKEN- I can't remember who its by though

I’m from all around
Call me a jersey girl, that’s where I was born
Call me a desert girl or even a cactus, that’s where I was raised
Call me a country girl, because that’s where I found out the world could be cruel
Now you can call me small town, because this is where I love.

Where I’m from people never really understood me
I’d cry and scream from the monsters that I thought were under my bed
But really they were inside of my head
No one knew how depressed I really got, I don’t want them to
I have to hide away my legs because of my monsters and what they made me do
But when a certain someone came along, they saved me.
Thank you…

Where I’m from the men are cruel
When mom told me that my dad didn’t want anything to do with me or her I was crushed
And when I found out what physical abuse was and that my other dad did it to me and others I swore off the men
And when my new dad came around I was distant and distasteful when finding what a real dad felt like
And then I found others who had gone through the same things and I felt like not all men were cruel

Where I’m from you take care of the kids
Even if their not your own
I’m from a place where you cook and clean
Just because that’s what you do
I’m from a place where mothers are young, and life is hard

Where I’m from
Wont last forever
I will move from this place
And find somewhere better
I life the life I want to live
Because it’s mine and I can
And that’s what I’m Going to do
No matter what they say

The author's comments:
We were supposed to write this for english, i built on it because i had so much pent up anger and feelings and i thought this would help and it did

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