Regret | Teen Ink


May 14, 2014
By mindofthelabyrinth SILVER, Pilot Point, Texas
mindofthelabyrinth SILVER, Pilot Point, Texas
9 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;&#039;There&#039;s only one thing that&#039;s universal.&#039;<br /> &#039;What&#039;s that?&#039;<br /> &#039;The truth.&#039;&quot;<br /> -Deadline by Chris Crutcher

In the beginning, I was so completely naïve.
I didn't know time was of the essence
And now what's the point? The year is nearly over and I've only just begun(only just begun)
I'm drowning in my regrets and the only oxygen I have keeping me alive is hope; I'm barely breathing (barely breathing)
I say that I can't hold back anymore, that I need to speak out
But all of that is wishful thinking; I lack the courage I need to speak the words that have been lodged deep into my mind (my mind)
In the end, I became repentant
I should have thought about the time (time, time, time)

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