Four Years in the Past | Teen Ink

Four Years in the Past

May 12, 2014
By Kirsten Anderson BRONZE, Monkey Island, Oklahoma
Kirsten Anderson BRONZE, Monkey Island, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As spring sneaks upon us like a lion approaches his prey,
So does the long-anticipated last day-
Of school that is; it sneaks upon students everywhere,
We all await this moment for nine months of our year.
Though as the countdown turns from weeks, to days, to even moments;
A small thought is planted in our minds: We're gonna miss this
Because after four years of it, life without high school just doesn't make sense.
We've come a long way from our Freshman year fears;
To Junior year, when we're expected to choose our careers.
Before you know it you're a Senior picking out your cap and gown,
And in the back of your mind you know you'll miss this old boring town.
The realization sinks in, that the last four years we were always wishing away
Were never really here to stay.
As we all stand in alphabetical order, anyone could infer;
It's graduation day and none of us are as ready as we once thought we were.

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