Alone, I | Teen Ink

Alone, I

May 4, 2014
By ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Alone, I do not feel a thing
Myself and I, are blind to other’s need
Deaf to the mewling’s of poor kittens left to die
Empty and cold on the inside and out

Alone, I can not hear a thing
What I should love, I don’t
What I should think, I won’t
What I would do is different than what others would do

Alone, I wonder to myself
What is my place?
Who would hear me cry?
Who will pick me up?
What have I done?

Alone, I am at my best and my worst
My worst enemy is myself
And nobody else

I am warm and happy on the inside and out
Only with other’s, can I laugh and smile
I’ll live to the fullest and do as I love
As Humans Tend To Do

The author's comments:
Raise your hand if you know this.
Yep, I will forever.

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