Loneliness | Teen Ink


May 4, 2014
By ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No longer am I by your side anymore.
The hallways seem so much longer,
After everything had been set and done.

My vision tries to blurr, but I won't let them go.
Lonelieness has always been my friend,
Even when he threw it all away.

These memories hold me in a quick caress before yielding to the dark.
A wish I hold can never come true
Thoughtless lies they all spoke...
It'll never come true

Believe when I say that I'm tired
Of your words and of you
whom I notice everyday

It's not anything new to take a step
It's just harder alone
Facing the new innocent day

Night was the only one who knew
The Dark told me why it was true
Rain gave me what I needed to come back

I'll walk this path I chose
Leaving those sad memories behind me
I'll never forget you,
My friend whom I loved happily

The author's comments:
And with this, I can open new doors.
I look back.

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