Grey Gray | Teen Ink

Grey Gray

May 4, 2014
By ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

White and Black
A reality, only one, is set before me
The ins and outs, what's up, what's down
Movies playing, songs screaming,
I'm sitting there, crying

One little heart amongst the others
Saying no, saying yes, against the torrent of everyone else

Orange, Red, Blue
Yellow, Green, Purple
Indigo, Turquiose, Brown, and Magenta

I want to see my color.
We've all got it.
You're green
You're purple.
One is red and the other blue
Oh, hey I didn't forget "little" pink over there.

And Grey.
The odd one out.
The one who tells of coming storms or bad days
A mix of the White and Black
Neither here nor there
And is spelled G-R-A-Y or G-R-E-Y

My color is in between right or wrong, left and right
The sky and ground, a champion in my world

Gray is my color
And I'm proud of it.

The author's comments:
If you are ever philosophically inclined, hi.

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