Cold Secrets | Teen Ink

Cold Secrets

May 4, 2014
By ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No one can keep a secret
I'll hide mine in this cold heart of mine
These lips will never tell
Of the day where everything fell
A day just the same as any other
Though one I will never forget
Dark tendrils have been creeping on me ever since
Ever since you left,
Something of a shadow had laid a hand on my eyes
Swear that I'll never speak of this again
But now I've gone and told another
So won't you take this to the grave?
Left alone, By myself
I witnessed terrible things
When before my eyes twinkled brillantly
But after reality hit me twice over
Hope can shatter and break all over you
Bonds are fragile and weak little things
Nurse and cared for until you leave
Then everything shatters, never to be pieced again
No one can keep a secret
These lips that swore they'd never tell
Yet I've gone and told another

"Why won't you take this to the grave?"
"I've said it over and over
Listen, why don't you? I've never let promises of yours out!"

No one can keep a secret
What I've been told over and over
I'll hide mine in this empty heart of mine
These white lips will never tell
And this cold body moves no more

The author's comments:
I'm sorry.

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