My Fate | Teen Ink

My Fate

May 4, 2014
By ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What I don’t know hurts
Because to know means
I have the power to control my future
I don’t have to be hurt every day
Or lose my temper at the innocent

What I do know hurts
Because I am screwed
If my secrets get out
I let my feelings get in the way
Or take a dive into my abyss of a heart

Either way, Life isn’t great
Just the fake people around me
Can not lose their way
Or fall into traps
Set by devils of the past

I press farther, deeper than anyone else
Curiosity did kill the cat
And is slowly making its way towards me
Feelings run anyway they can
No matter, if it gets hurt or feels the plummet from the sky

But I will live with the pain
For the joy of love and emptiness
Even if I break
I can enjoy the sweet embrace of Death
And the dreams that held me so dearly
Who never betrayed me

The author's comments:
The End, knowing the path still continues.

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