What Lives On | Teen Ink

What Lives On

May 3, 2014
By ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Humans live for only a while,
Compared to others who live centuries
Eventually we all disappear completely
But some things are forever staying

When months passed
Long after I have left
What will stay
is my heart

These feelings are real
My words have meaning
No, nothing disappears completely
Especially the lies we all tell

As seconds turn to hours
And days into years,
My memories will live
As the embodiment of my spirit

This life held joy and happiness
Carried with guilt and fear
These things happened
Even the feelings that blossomed just for a while

What lives on
After we are gone
Is everything

Names go down in history
So that even the smallest child will know your name
So if I were you,
I’d watch what I was doing

The author's comments:
Life lesson.

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