Facade | Teen Ink


May 3, 2014
By ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

First lie of the day
Was "great."
The second was "I'm fine."
The next was the time I spent writing a letter.

Dear My Friend,
Hi, it's been so long! I miss you. I'll write back soon.
Ellipses, Ellipses, Ellipses.
Yours Truly, Your Friend.

Anyways, can anyone see?
The distance I've covered in one day?
In order to detach myself from myself and just breathe?

If you just listened, could you hear?
The voice shouting from ten miles away?
How it's calling your name over and over, so it echoes all around?

But you can't because,
The blind are not meant to see,
The deaf are not meant to hear,
And the oblivious are meant to stay in the dark.

Ghosts are supposed to be invisible.
From time to time, many of you will get a glimpse at this real me,
Yet, ignore it and make it something to forget.
But all ghosts have that someone "Special."

The ghost turns into a person.
Won't "Special" find me?
But maybe not.

I put up this "Test of Lies,"
In order to find the one who can see past this wall
At me, holding my hands and saying,
"You found me!"

Ah, we were playing hide-and-seek,
Weren't we?

The author's comments:
Even if the moment lasted for a second, I'm glad it happened.
Even if the moment is gone, it'll stay here forever.

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