Love is | Teen Ink

Love is

May 3, 2014
By ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
ArisuDray GOLD, Mountain View, California
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love is a feeling.
That feeling.
The one you're thinking of.

Naïve and simple.
Somewhat violent, but still truly nice.
Love showed itself as you.

A year and some more,
I laughed, never cried, always talking excitedly in your ear
Each day ending with a smile on my face.

It ended.
Always they end, I know that.
What ended, my memories?
Hah, no, this ended.

How rare this was.
How great it had been.
How stupid I still am.

Stay forever
Laugh again
Don't give me that look
I will.
Love vanished.

Some time ago, I tripped down that wrong road.
It was, right?
The wrong road?

Love was you.
It was.

It's quiet now.
My room is... empty.
My thoughts are... done.
I'm waiting.
Waiting for you.

The author's comments:
Yes, this is about someone(s) I know.
Probably (they) won't see this, but you will.
Thank you for reading.

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