Warring With Ourselves | Teen Ink

Warring With Ourselves

April 20, 2014
By M. Xochitl Wilder BRONZE, Snohomish, Washington
M. Xochitl Wilder BRONZE, Snohomish, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After twelve the night turns dark,
And no one sings, not one lark.
Halfway through the night you've gone,
Waiting for the faithful dawn.
Until the bell chimes to wake,
And the rest of the world will start to fake.

Ring a ding ding,
It starts to sing.
What madness and sadness has brought us to this?
To hoping and moping,
To trying and crying,
To playing, betraying,
Approaching, encroaching,

And territory no ordinary,
To fight and flight,
And death and life,
Guns and knives but so say the archives,
That we were heroes.
True heroes will bring the death toll to zero

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