When people see me they see this. | Teen Ink

When people see me they see this.

April 22, 2014
By Dixie.77 BRONZE, Edinburg, Virginia
Dixie.77 BRONZE, Edinburg, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Going back to an old realationship is like rereading an old book, you know how it already ends. Why would you wanna relive?

Oh lordy here she comes,
Walking with her little black dress, little bit of mud on them cowboy boots.
Long wavy to die for brown hair.
The bright dim green eyes, she has a story.
Do you know it?
You sure?
Think again.
You see her. They see her. Nobody knows her.
They see they eyeliner. Thicker and thicker, thinner and thinner.
You don’t understand this girl.
If you think; Who does she love?
Talk to?
Care for?
Still love?
You can’t answer.
Cause you don’t know her.
She has a story a story that has never been told.
May never be told tell her death bed.
How she lives her life out with y’all sick lies who knows.
She shakes off the lies. She shakes the off every night.
Every night before she goes to bed she looks at her self
Says, I know they are lies but why.
That question why.
Why do people think she is a grace of god
Why do people think she is so amazing
How about beautiful?
All this is tattoo in her mind.
Don’t forget about the lies.
The million and million of lies.
How could she ever forget them.
Can you blame her?
You people say the nastiest things about her.
Yet you don’t even know her.
It’s okay, remember this though.
When I’m in Heaven and you are in Hell.
Don’t question why you are down there
Question why you
In the first place.
But if you feel like it’s necessary to judge me
without walking a mile in my cowboy boots first.

The author's comments:
I honeslty got sick of peoples lies and dealing with them. I thought enough was enough. Read this pice to the class, all the girls and guys who talk bad about me there jawls dropped.

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