Trapped Inside an Hour | Teen Ink

Trapped Inside an Hour

April 5, 2014
By sheebee SILVER, Grant, Nebraska
sheebee SILVER, Grant, Nebraska
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Strength comes in numbers, but true strength comes in one, who can stand alone against many numbers.<br /> -Shelby

Time will not give up on me,
It does not let me be,

It won't forget me in the shadow of the second hand,
And I fall through with the grains of sand

I can't climb up the glass wall,
I try, but continue to fall

I suffocate under time as the sand falls through,
I panic unsure of what to do

Then an hour passes, and the glass is flipped again,
I gasp for breath knowing I won't win

I look around, and everything has changed,
The room and it's people, rearranged

I can feel time slip through the hole underneath me,
I once again try to break free

But I can't escape from this hour glass,
And life goes all too fast

I start to slip into the hole reaching for something to hold on to,
But my efforts fail and I fall through

I look up and get a mouth full of what is now the past
Because the future always comes and the present never lasts

Nobody slows down, everything around me moves on,
I try to scream, but my voice seems to be gone

I try to stop time seeping in around me,
But there is nothing to plug the hole, you see

It starts getting hard to breathe again, and I won't win,
An hour passes, the hour glass is flipped once again

I look around, and everything has changed,
The room and it's people rearranged.

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