What Do I Owe | Teen Ink

What Do I Owe

April 1, 2014
By Lucinnia BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
Lucinnia BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I suppose with any good writing and interesting characters, you can have that awfully overused word: a journey. -Alan Rickman

To what do I owe this prose?
Something that doesn't even match a name among the stars,already climbing away to a sea of clouds as I sit upon a tale of a beginning
A beginning without a muse to which I can lend my ears as I am in that same boat in a different sea
A sea that is another name in and of itself, a name that has lent itself to others and holds many layers to hide
Layers that I seek, for muse?
For myself?
I wouldn't know since I still have yet to find what they are
Whether they be truth, deception, or deception of truth
I still do not know.
For the purpose of layers is to hide away, to feel comfort in the bundle that keeps away the cold, but it also keeps away the sun that shines and the breeze that ruffles your senses clean with whistling song.
So do these layers I seek and have be the same? Does it keep me from the sun and sense of clarity that I observe and hope to guide to others? Perhaps this prose lends me its ears from the layers of beginning. To what end? What do I owe this prose?

The author's comments:
I wrote this on an airplane on the way to visit relatives I've never met in a foreign place I've only been to as a child. At the time, I was watching this movie called 'Shakespeare in Love' and I thought,'I used to write poetry a lot. Since I've got time, why don't I write some? And so, gathering myself, I wrote about my thoughts on this journey(gathering from the movie a bit)and I wondered about the worth about writing like this so I asked 'what I owe'in return.

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