Clogged Throats and The Sad Truth | Teen Ink

Clogged Throats and The Sad Truth

March 31, 2014
By amberwritesthings BRONZE, New York, New York
amberwritesthings BRONZE, New York, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wish I could tell you that everything will be okay
I wish I could tell you that the sun will always shine
And that no one could ever steal your innocence
I want to tell you that there is no such thing as heartbreak
That it is impossible for someone to be able to reach in your fragile chest
Hold your eager heart
And toss it in the ocean
And that the ocean they toss it in
Isn’t, would never be your own tears
I have this insane urge to rock you back and forth
And tell you, The world is as nice to you as you are to it
But I’m afraid if I tell you any of these things
You’ll believe them
You have so much trust stored into the universe
You believe the ground will keep you from falling six feet under
You trust that the sun’s rays will be there to kiss your almond cheeks every morning
You say that no one could be so cruel
No one could kiss you
One day and then forget you exist the next
But honey,
They can
They can stumble upon your heavy walls
And with one force,
One act of hatred,
They can knock them down
There will be days where people manage to take your sunshine away
And the only thing left to kiss your almond cheeks
Are your unstoppable tears
And your imaginary lover
You are so vulnerable
You leave the lights on
And your chest wide open
Anyone could dive in
And yank your heart right out
They could devour it right in front of you
And foolishly, you’ll ask if you can have it back
But since your heart’s already gone, what you’re asking for is your trust
If you can have it back
You’ll build your walls again
And when the right person tries to knock them down
For your own good this time,
You won’t believe they’re carrying the sun in their pocket
You’ve already gotten used to the moon

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