Tell Me That Isn't Love | Teen Ink

Tell Me That Isn't Love

March 14, 2014
By MysticMonarch GOLD, Hamilton, Ohio
MysticMonarch GOLD, Hamilton, Ohio
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you love something, set it free. If it stays in place because it has long wooden roots buried deep in the earth, it was probably a tree."- Night Vale podcast, via twitter.

The blush on her face,
in her lover's warm embrace,
tell me that isn't love.

The happiness that comes and stays,
when his lover doesn't go away,
tell me that isn't love.

The smile on their faces,
both clothed in dresses and laces,
tell me their union should be illegal.

The fight that they had,
getting through the good and the bad,
now tell me that's all lust.

Who is America to judge?
Who is the state to say who to love?
Tell me again that we're free.

A boy and a girl that knew each other three days,
and killed themselves to part ways,
Now tell me Romeo and Juliet was true love.

The girl that continues to move on,
Because her dead girlfriend would want her to be strong,
Now tell me that isn't love.

The three day marriage,
Made from alcohol-induced lack of clearage,
Tell me why that's legal?

The couple that's been together,
the man and man who want to be forever.
Tell me why that's not allowed.

“Sanctity of marriage”?
Look at the rate of divorce, all of the carnage!
Tell me why that's legal.

Religious reasoning?
Why isn't alcohol thrown out with these things?
Tell me you aren't keeping things convenient.

The way her eyes sparkle,
How I wish to set her free,
Tell me that isn't love.


The author's comments:
Created out of anger at my school for refusing to have a gay-straight alliance club because some of the parents that volunteer at the school didn't want it to happen.

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