(Why do they call it) A Skeleton in the Closet | Teen Ink

(Why do they call it) A Skeleton in the Closet

March 10, 2014
By MysticMonarch GOLD, Hamilton, Ohio
MysticMonarch GOLD, Hamilton, Ohio
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you love something, set it free. If it stays in place because it has long wooden roots buried deep in the earth, it was probably a tree."- Night Vale podcast, via twitter.

Why is it called,
A skeleton in the closet?
Your dirty little secret,
The one we've all gotten.

When I lay in the ground,
As the years pass by,
There will be nothing left of me,
Except my bones,
And the words I write.

Flesh will rot,
Hair will go,
And still in the earth,
Will lay your bones.

So why do they call it,
A skeleton in the closet?
Maybe because our skeletons,
Are the things that stay the longest.

The author's comments:
I got this idea in the middle of math class. When I get bored, I get creative.

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