Fear of the Night | Teen Ink

Fear of the Night

January 26, 2014
By Kenny Hayden BRONZE, Mt Kisco, New York
Kenny Hayden BRONZE, Mt Kisco, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

2 in the morning,
The rain pours down,
Branches scratch against the wood house,
Dark shadows create the eerie feeling,

You're so thirsty
That thirst you try to ignore,
The one you can't fall asleep from,

Thinking to yourself,

Just try and go to sleep,
Just forget about it,
You don't need water,
It's so dark downstairs,
What's down there,
Just go quickly and nothing will happen,

Here we go,

Flip the covers and out the door,
Bang Bang bang bang bang, down the stairs,
Run past the couches,
Reach the dining room light,

One bottle left,
Grab and go,

The wind howls as it hits the house,
Gotta get back to my room,
No time for lights,
Just run

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang back up the stairs,
To the left and through the door,
One step and fly to the bed,
Under the covers,

Safe again.

The author's comments:
A common experience of children and is relatable to many.

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