smaller me | Teen Ink

smaller me

January 16, 2014
By hanksey10 SILVER, Nunica, Michigan
hanksey10 SILVER, Nunica, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I may walk slowly, but never backward.<br /> protect this house I will


I look inside the small window
And see a smaller me
Baking cupcakes and having a tea party
My fingers trace along the little pink door
I remember
Planting flower seeds in the tiny pots that surround the door
And in the beauty of spring
Seeing the colorful petals escape from the earth
Sitting in the small once vibrant purple chair connected to the table
I realize now how quick life is
I will always be able to keep my memories with me, but I will never be able to retire
My beautiful Barbie House

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