The Magic of the Color Orange | Teen Ink

The Magic of the Color Orange

January 15, 2014
By Sarah Thompson BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
Sarah Thompson BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Orange opens my mind.
It widens my eyes
To a wakeful
World of wonder.
I take in its citrus-y,
Vibrant scent.
I bite into it,
Enjoying and savoring its
Juicy, flavorful taste.
Like the vibrant magnolias
planted perfectly in the garden,
Their petals pop with color,
Orange invigorates my eyes
Surprises me and
Stimulates my endorphins,
Releases vibrations
Releases shocking sensations
Throughout my body.
Like the blazing lava
From a gushing volcano,
Orange overflows,
And burns with passion.
Orange outlines my life.
It outlines the letters
On my basketball jersey.
Orange orbits the open
Gym after school.
Oscillates in the form
Of a Spalding basketball.
Orange outworks other colors.
It strengthens me.
It empowers me.
It cheers me.
Without Orange,
My energy.
My enthusiasm,
would be

The author's comments:
This was an assignment for class; we got to choose a color and write about how we felt about that specific color

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