The Cange | Teen Ink

The Cange

January 7, 2014
By PassionateWriter18 BRONZE, Preston, Connecticut
PassionateWriter18 BRONZE, Preston, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

Look all around you,
think back to the past,
the change is taking place
this change won't last
green to red then fall too the ground.

It happens every year,
sometimes fast sometimes slow.
From the waves to the slops,
lemonade to hot coco.

The ground becomes a blanket of bright white,
children playing,
children having fun.
For years the change has been happening.

Sense the beginning of time,
children of all ages,
every year,
children grow,
forever enjoying the change.

It comes and goes,
missed by all.
No tears shall be shed,
for it will be back.

Summer to winter,
winter to summer.

The change has always been around,
enjoyed by all,
forever it will.

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