Long Forgotten Rose | Teen Ink

Long Forgotten Rose

January 6, 2014
By Clerds BRONZE, Geneva, Georgia
Clerds BRONZE, Geneva, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
People say I'm weird, because I talk to trees and animals. That's okay, though - I have more fun than most people. - Bob Ross

The blackened rose was crying
As she bled into the water
Staining it with separation
Lingering, eternal in a state of desperation
No one seemed to pay attention
As they saw her wilting in their shadows
Dynasties of ignorance who long before had lost their souls
Wind carried by the cries of a neglected rose
As she stared at her reflection
Begging silently for perfection
And screaming to audiences of deaf ears
The abused rose wilts in the caresses of morning rain
Children watch her as she's dying and they do not do a thing
Laughing in the distance, she can hear their happy cries
As she whispers with the sadness of her long since faded scars
The beautiful rose, convinced that she was worthless
The inhumanity of a long forgotten rose

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