Cream Cheese | Teen Ink

Cream Cheese

January 10, 2014
By sbakalish BRONZE, Mountain View, California
sbakalish BRONZE, Mountain View, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our first memory was over cream cheese.
Fought over the two halves of the bagel that somehow brought us together as a whole.
"Give it back!"
Friends forever.
In a years time I found myself breaking,
mistakingly listening to words spoken false.
By then I was looking for help and answers in my life,
but certainly not love.
And when Valentines Day came around,
the middle school hallways closed in on me as time passed,
Sappy rhymes blurred the lines of our friendship the same way I erased his name off the heart shaped card that I never sent.
They sat there.
Fingers entwined put a knife through my soul
connected their hearts over
halves of bagels and cream cheese.

The author's comments:
A friendship that blossomed over two halves of a bagel, that turned into an one-sided love story that eventually failed.

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