Apocalyptic Inhumanity | Teen Ink

Apocalyptic Inhumanity

December 12, 2013
By nAIMLESS BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
nAIMLESS BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The creation
An explosive light illuminates the atmosphere, giving perspective to a dead mirage
Motionless, shattered glass falls into place
A miracle as seen from both sides, with one idea consuming the dictatorship that would soon control endless lives and nations
It is born
Holding back the idea of progress to preserve the non existing boundaries
Ages pass by, only to disintegrate into wealth that is stripped by the ones who have gained knowledge of the true masters of the world
The power is not destroyed but transferred to an oppressor more devastating than the previous while the sheep remain confused they forget question because spoken word is forbidden
It remains on a throne held by human remains, struggling to please its thirst for absolute dedication
Life after life, sacrificing every moment as hopes rise to the ambition of achieving eternal wealth
The call is taken above and beyond what is demanded, to an extreme that the message deteriorates into the opposite of its intention leading fires to become unable to tame
Thoughts becoming obscure while power is brought anew on its name
The dictators become the majority and force the open-minded into assimilation
Denied the chance to defy the strings attached to a hand descending from the heavens
This hand is the power being controlled by the deity hidden behind the bricks guarding treasures of wealth beyond the reach of imagination of what is possible
It is praised
But another one from a foreign world is not matched with the correct ideals
Properties must be seized
Ashes of cities are littered with a population of the damned
Corpses thrown on piles of trash to be stripped of flesh as the sacrifice of the ones who have maintained breath
In the name of the almighty brothership
The only acceptance
The infection spreads to the most protected, bringing them into a trance they have no hope of recovering from
Undoubtedly, no longer is intelligence for the majority has to prove existence in light being darkness
Consumed for eternity because of the only thought focused on selfish intentions
One moment, an instant of progression is sparked but quickly dosed to destroy all that is achieved
One being realizing the deprived freedoms the culture of humanity is constricted to
Expressing opposition is quickly assimilated to the depths in which illegal necessities are brought forth
An endless torture
A sickening dissection is begun
Incision after incision is made, tracing symbols of eradication into a flesh that shatters into a river of overflowing glistening poison
Shredded limbs grasp for a glimpse of escape and the contortionist releases acidic life to spill on the destructed mutation
Still, breath is rising with the hand ripping the heart and intestines to replace them with a sand built of pyramids destroying another type of myth
The end result is to crush the brain into obedience, fluids filling jars to be held as trophies
Pulling every strand of sanity into a place only reachable by sin
The end approaches to another fire extinguished, instead another piece of a throne is added to construct a monument that glares over the horizon of humanity

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