Dark Eyes | Teen Ink

Dark Eyes

December 13, 2013
By cj121829 SILVER, Kissimmee, Florida
cj121829 SILVER, Kissimmee, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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My heart is afraid of the downfall after success.

I looked into translucent eyes,
and was frightened by what I saw.
All the pain, depression, and lies,
just left me in awe.
The stress has left bags,
And caused sleepless nights.
The dried up tears, left your eyes puffy
from all our fights.
The sparkling eyes have hollowed.
They've become colorless and transparent.
I don't blame them though.
I wouldn't have be able to withstand your parents.
With every kiss I see the light
defeating the icy darkness in your eyes.

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