Patched Up People | Teen Ink

Patched Up People

November 26, 2013
By Zoe Horton BRONZE, La Mesa, California
Zoe Horton BRONZE, La Mesa, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some patches heal, others protect.

Stuck in his memory
He can’t, won’t forget
Patched up mind

Never said what needed to be
She’ll pretend he wasn’t her everything
Patched up love

Experiences teach how to see
Seeing the same but with different eyes
Which one is true is never clear
Patched up sight

My vision is darker than yours most times. You see with a harsher view. She sees with a happy background. You are older, maybe you know. Though it’s likely none of us see it for what it is.

Not sorry and neither are you
Apologizes barely accepted
Feelings not repaired
Patched up resolutions

Some blood turns sour
Other blood isn’t related
They act like relations so they are
Patched up family

She didn’t realize there was a hole. Bad blood and the family is ripped apart. They have been sown in to fill the space.

Act so that others can’t see
The mask improves with age
From looking one would never guess what he has seen
Patched up appearance

Don’t know where to go
They ask for a plan so she made one
Patched up future

The plan was made quickly, without much thought. If you knew then what you do now you would have chosen differently. Then again if we saw the future most of us wouldn’t be here.

Solving takes too much time
Would prefer not to think
The memory is willed away
Patched up heart

Ignoring the thought but it always lurks. I can’t work out what happened in my mind. I’ll put a patch on it instead of waiting for it to heal. I'll be better next time.

Time leaves scars that won’t heal
Hiding from sight
Patched up person

The author's comments:
I wrote thinking of how people don't completely heal themselves or face their problems. Instead we find some way to move on with our life even though we have baggage.

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