Mixed Emotions | Teen Ink

Mixed Emotions

November 24, 2013
By Theresa Mapp SILVER, La Mesa, California
Theresa Mapp SILVER, La Mesa, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

lying awake in a immobilizing numbness
sleepless nights are far too many
insecurity is too common
noises stir in the darkness of night
filled with uncertainty and discomfort

Fear whispers ," The end is near, the end is near!" and holds onto my hand for dear life

Courage says, " Do not cower like the weak! Stand up and fight," while pushing me forward

Faith says,” do not worry, you are taken care of. He is watching over you. All will be fine," and holds me comfortingly, reassuring me.

Sadness informs me that crying is always an option, but I don't think I'm too fond of this method.

Peace reminds me to keep breathing. Inhale, then exhale, then inhale, and then exhale.

Love says, "Forgive this intruder. You will then sleep more easily."

Then in a loud clear voice, He says, "Do not worry. I am the Almighty. Nothing happens that I cannot control. I have everything my child, so do not fear."

My mind is made up and the choice is clear
I bow my head close my eyes and say, “Your will be done, Father."

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