Victorious | Teen Ink


November 19, 2013
By Abbie2721 GOLD, Minster, Ohio
Abbie2721 GOLD, Minster, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Some people will see you as small and weak. Others will see you as strong and brave, but i doesnt matter how anyone else see's you. As long as when you look in the mirror what you see makes you happy.

I will hunker down for the unforgiving winter so that I may emerge in the spring victorious. I will conquer my demons and fly with the fall leaves so that maybe I will be able to feel real freedom. And though there may be demons out there trying to hurt me they will not succeed for I am the only one strong enough to be me. I am the only one powerful enough to brave this world wearing a suit of armor made of my ancestor’s tears. For I am the hero of my story and I plan to conquer all my weak-willed negativity to become the ruler of my land. I will slay the dragon of despair and I will fight the barbaric knights of self-hate because my life is worth is. And it should be worth living. I was made to live and I will die trying.
All my life I have been fighting demons hoping to save the endangered dreams of a broken soul. I have found myself poisoned and dying. Angry voices telling my to swing my sword at my own flesh. But I have learned that they have no power over me if I decide so. For they do not own the strength to fight me because of the power I have gained from the self-respect I have grown.
But I still have scares from the sharp edged swords swung too fast. And I have broken bones and burns from a dragon I was unable to slay. And they burn each night as if freshly new, causing tears and misery. But they will heal and I will grow stronger because I deserve to; just as everyone does. I deserve the strength to face this giant beast of hopelessness. I deserve the power to vanquish this fear so that I can live my life the way I am meant to.
Because this world I’ve created is who I am. These battles against these demons and dragons were wars I fought against myself. These stories I tell are not fiction they are predictions because I don’t tell what has happened. I tell what will. So I’ll hunker down against the unforgiving winter to rest, and heal these wounds, and gather my strength. So that in the spring I may emerge victorious

The author's comments:
I hope people will understand this metaphor

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