Hurricane | Teen Ink


November 4, 2013
By Hannah Businger SILVER, Sterling, Virginia
Hannah Businger SILVER, Sterling, Virginia
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trying to get a new perspective of myself
Finding how my inner workings turn
You learn you learn more about me than I do
But if you only knew
How crazy it all is
Life by a thread
Delicate as a spiders web

Touch my hand I feel a spark
Kiss me your in my heart
But is this all we are?
Living for this thing we call love
Without it I'm empty in a never ending hell that my mind can't expel
But when I feel it, the warmth it's all I ever need or want
How could I prepare myself for you
Your the hurricane that turned my world upside down
Who blew me away
And still does every day

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