Shattered Innocence | Teen Ink

Shattered Innocence

November 4, 2013
By Hannah Businger SILVER, Sterling, Virginia
Hannah Businger SILVER, Sterling, Virginia
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Evil lurking in my head
Beasts wishing me dead
Clawing through my mind and soul
Loosing all control
The darkness of my other half
Tries to consume me then at last
I'm laying in darkness
Fear all around
Crawling up
Through my spine
In my toes
Won't someone hear my woes
Eating me alive
The taste of flesh
As my heart beats through my chest
Licking bones clean
He stands there all serene
Oh With that crooked smile on his bloodied face
Leaving absolutely no trace
I try to scream I try to shout
But Nothing ever comes out
I'm left all hallow
For my innocence has been swallowed

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