Live Again | Teen Ink

Live Again

November 4, 2013
By Hannah Businger SILVER, Sterling, Virginia
Hannah Businger SILVER, Sterling, Virginia
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm learning to live again
With the breath you've gave
My life starts to begin
Here I am, crawling out of my grave

Saying that you love me
Your words they set my spirit free
When I see your face
It takes me to a better place

We've erased memories from the past
The ones that I wish would never last
Started fresh with something new
And more our love grew

And now I'm laying here
With your taste still lingering on my lips
And I can't help but think
Where would I be without you?

We've had misty eyes as we've said goodbye
And days when we can talk forever
And never do I ever
Not go a moment without the thought of you twirling through my heart and mind

They say love blinds
But it has only made me see
About how lovely this fallen world can be
It gives me hope that scars can be healed and memories erased
You take me to a better place

And when you feel weak
Ill give you all my love
And we can just speak
About everything to heaven and the stars above
Till all our problems just melt away
And drip down to where they will never stay

Dear Daniel I loan my heart to you
But it's one you already own
We both are strong and have our fears
And we'll be together for all our years

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