man in the trees | Teen Ink

man in the trees

October 11, 2013
By jaridw BRONZE, Cornelius, Oregon
jaridw BRONZE, Cornelius, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
there's only two genius's in this world the government and corporation think about them and the rest is history.

after all I was destined for greatness in the land in the water in the tall trees I had it all
I was destined for greatness tall trees water and falls
I had it all from waterfalls to tall trees
I had it all
nothing but a quiet tree stood in my way I had it all something I never forgot a tall tree in the path of righteousness that took me from quiet tree to quiet tree a bliss of sound a noise for voice another voice of sound and I had it all in my hands like a bottle of water touching surface with a table I was quaint and easy quiet but easy nothing touched me like a bottle of water to a table I was quaint and easy touch of sound touch of voice I had it all in the voice of treason I had it all nothing to a voice a nothing to a voice nothing to a voice a boy in the forest tall as the trees I had it all I was tall nothing touched me I had it all

The author's comments:
this piece describes me as an individual because of the stanza nothing touched me back in my early years of life nothing touched me now deep in my depression I can look at this poem for guidance and reassurance that nothing will touch me and I will again stand as tall as the trees

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