Passion | Teen Ink


October 5, 2013
By Anonymous

I glide through a world of impossibilities with ease, seeing it in a million shades of every color.

I see myself succeed as effortlessly as I closed my eyes and fell asleep...

Suddenly, abruptly,
I am awakened from my dream-filled desires. Reality comes back and lays heavily on my shoulders.

Then, with new-found maturity,I realize, all the success I crave doesn't come with gratification, but from the fight that I give.

I start to feel a tingle, a spark that creeps up my body and ignites in my heart.

Heating the cool air around me with the passion that runs so pure in my blood, I rise.

I am working hard. I am feeding the flames inside of me, creating a fire more beautiful than any dream.

By creating these flames, I won't need to cling to wishes anymore. I will live in the glory I will have made myself.

They'll watch in amazement as I burn exquisitely; to bright to see clearly.

I will be unstoppable.

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on Nov. 5 2018 at 11:16 pm
tealskies BRONZE, San Jacinto, California
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@talianicole21 you would enjoy this!