Changes | Teen Ink


September 10, 2013
By dreamcatcherinlove BRONZE, Mankato, Minnesota
dreamcatcherinlove BRONZE, Mankato, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't judge my path if you haven't walked my journey.

Here is the chance to be free.
Here and now is where we drift to sea.

Your heart starts to melt like ice cream on a cone,in that dry summer's heat.

We start to spread our wings for we are almost done growing.

Our time is nearly up.

So as the heat lightens up.

Notice the leaves begin to change.

The leaves being to fall.

While others might fall.

They start to sing a sad song.

But here we stand with out hearts still going BOOM, BOOM, BOOM.

You can hear that summer has come to its end, and everything changes.

Changes with a new start.

The author's comments:
I was sitting in class and my english teacher asked us to right something about summer time.

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