Linababina | Teen Ink


July 7, 2013
By HazleWeatherfield SILVER, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
HazleWeatherfield SILVER, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Lina is
She is beautiful,
but authentic.
and honest.

Lina is real
but nonetheless optimistic.
And the best part is
She genuinely
for me
of all people.
who would've guessed?

Lina would care if I went poof!
she says I'm her friend.
Who would've guessed
someone like her
would care about
someone like me?

Lina understands
or at least accepts
She is more than smart.
Lina is wise and intelligent.
She give good advice.
but she is sinful.
because Lina is human.

Lina doesn't like
pedestals or cigarettes
or medieval art.
Lina is insecure.
But she likes to pretend.

Lina is humble.
As well as graceful.
Lina likes art and patterned cloth.
And she likes to sing on the subway
and she likes me.

The author's comments:
oh yeah! she's also inspiring!

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