To Boddah | Teen Ink

To Boddah

June 21, 2013
By HazleWeatherfield SILVER, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
HazleWeatherfield SILVER, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

When the lights go out
and the crowd begins to roar,
I close my eyes,
but my heart doesn’t soar.

The time has passed to love or hate,
The time has passed, I’m fading away.

I have it good, very good,
but i feel beyond passion on the earth where he stood.

Why don't you enjoy it?
I don’t know, I don't know.
I’m fading away, so let the wind blow
all mourning of me, and the memories,
far away, into the breeze.

My daughter is
what i used to be
full of love
kissing everyone she meets
because everyone is good
and can do her no harm,
The world is so lovely
when you are young

I’m going to burn out
before I fade away.
When I’m gone,
it’ll be a better day.

I’ll be there
at the alter,
stay numb
and let your youth never falter.

It’s better to burn out
than it is to fade away.
I love you, I love you.
Here comes a better day.

-spoken from the tongue of an experienced simpleton

The author's comments:
inspiration comes from the suicide letter of Kurt Cobain

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