Little Miss Sommers | Teen Ink

Little Miss Sommers

June 21, 2013
By HazleWeatherfield SILVER, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
HazleWeatherfield SILVER, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Little Mrs. Sommers
the unexpected possessor of fifteen dollars
walked about
in a dreamy state
in speculation and calculation

Little Mrs. Sommers
indulged in no morbid retrospection
she had no time-
no second of time to devote to the past
the needs of the present
absorbed her
the vision of the future
appalled her
but luckily
tomorrow never comes.

Little Mrs. Sommers
who knew the value of bargains
looked down
upon silk stockings
through her fingers.
“A dollar and ninety-eight cents,” she mused aloud.

Little Mrs. Sommers
entered a theatre
absorbed it
and enjoyed it
the music ceased
like a dream ended.

A man with keen eyes
studied her
and saw nothing
unless he were wizard enough
to detect a poignant wish
powerful longing
that the cable car would not stop anywhere
but go on and on

The author's comments:
A found poem of "A Pair of Silk Stockings" by Kate Chopin

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