Fourteen | Teen Ink


May 19, 2013
By BaseballMan BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
BaseballMan BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

North on Interstate 35
Omaha Nebraska
Parents screaming as I hit the ball
Dust flying as I started to run
Toward first I ran I was fourteen

Watching the pitcher’s feet
Diving back just to beat the tag
Fist bumping my dad after I stand up
Brushing myself off and getting ready to do it all over again
I was fourteen

“Crack” and I’m off
Rounding second base and seeing coach
Jumping up and down waving me to keeping going
Standing on third waiting to run home, I was fourteen

Jogging home seeing the ball down in the outfield
Yelling from all over
Seeing the big trophy come out of the box
“World Series Champs” engraved

I won at age fourteen

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