Some Moments | Teen Ink

Some Moments

May 24, 2013
By Willow007 BRONZE, Cornish Flat, New Hampshire
Willow007 BRONZE, Cornish Flat, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some moments don't mean anything
Some moments mean everything and more
One moment meant I was in love
One moment my heart was on the floor
This moment I didn't understand
This moment I wanted to know more
Hence, the moment when I asked
Hence, the moment when I finally understood
Yes, that moment was a dream turned nightmare
But, that moment, everything was good

The author's comments:
Sometimes there's no getting over a guy until you've talked to him. I was so lucky, because the guy I needed to get over is one of the best friends I'll ever have and he would never let me get hurt.

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