abuse | Teen Ink


May 29, 2013
By darien123 SILVER, Grandville, Michigan
darien123 SILVER, Grandville, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"sometimes the smallesat things take up the most room in your heart."

she gets home scared like shes gonna die.
he hits her like hes fighting a grown man.
she takes the hits like a thousand bee stings.
he keeps going like a runaway train.
she yells "STOP" like hes going to listen to her.
she has bruises like the size and color of a plum.

now shes in heaven, the place where she would rather be because no one would listen or help her when she cried out for help. theses were her last words before she died.....
"i am free
i know i am free
free from the
pain and misery."

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