I Need You Here With Me | Teen Ink

I Need You Here With Me

May 20, 2013
By California22 BRONZE, Hartville, Ohio
California22 BRONZE, Hartville, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Words the same, same as always, when nothing is the same.

I need you here with me.
To hold me in your arms.
Make me feel safe again.
Make me happy once more.
Love me to the moon and back.
Take the coldness away, and make me feel warm.

I need you here with me.
Please come and comfort me.
Hold me tight, Don't let me go.
Please don't ever leave me.
Come to me and soothe me.
Take this ache away.
Won't you stay by my side?

I need you here with me.
I cannot do this on my own.
I can't drink this pain away.
I need your help and guidance.
This hurts too much tonight.
Please come and squeeze me tight.
Hold me in your arms and please don't leave my side.

I need you here wit me.

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