Just to see you | Teen Ink

Just to see you

May 24, 2013
By Fangs BRONZE, High Point, North Carolina
Fangs BRONZE, High Point, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you choose to be a writer remember this: your life is the greatest story you will ever write.

Just to see you is enough
You set my soul at ease
You make every moment worth it
Just to know you is enough
You care for me in ways I can't describe
You have a heart which has no fault
Just to love you is enough
You say words like a Symphony from your heart
You have endless beauty in your eyes alone
Just to kiss you is enough
You have feelings one can never explain
You are soft with your touch
Just to see you is enough
You make my heart skip a beat
You make my thoughts only about you
Just to see you makes me happy

The author's comments:
When I wrote this piece I was thinking about my girlfriend and how I feel whenever I see her and how she reminds me that I am really never alone. That in my dark and miserable life, she is my light.

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