Painkillers | Teen Ink


May 24, 2013
By Niccoli GOLD, Corbin, Kentucky
Niccoli GOLD, Corbin, Kentucky
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
You know you love someone when you're lying in bed at night and you roll over to get that text from them and you're so incredibly tired yet, you still smile.

Breaking into a million pieces
Can’t anyone put me back together?
Drug thru the pain and ache
Once again, you’re my refuge

Holding my shattered frame
Until someone arrives with the glue
My breath quickens as I realize
No one can save me now

The words I swallowed from him
Taste bitter in my mouth
Cutting as sharp as knives
“Protect me!” I scream.

Sweet release as the drug
Takes complete control
I forget for one second
All the rage and pain I feel

Ignore the feel of your kisses,
Of your hands interwining with mine,
Destroying my mind with your words
Broken promises once again

Hold back against it all
Swear never to feel again
Praying you let me go
Knowing I’ll never be free

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