Envious | Teen Ink


May 16, 2013
By Breuna SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
Breuna SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We were once close friends.
Now you're envious of me smh you'll get over it.
You don't like me because of your ex-boyfriend.
Chick please kick rocks.

Why are you so envious of me so much little mama.
I'm in first block with your new boyfriend every A-day and were best friends.
Shorty so you hate me anyway.
Your ex be waiting for me to get off the ACE bus at our school carrying my books.

You're envious of me and his friendship you'll be a oh okay sweetie.
The slick dissing and side comments
Girl I be eating them things for breakfast.
I made you're envious of me for the smallest things.

When y'all broke up I was like Dr. Phil trying to get y'all back together.
But if i wanted him.
I could've had him in the second grade.
But either way you're still envious of me.

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